Grace For Today
No matter what, you must remember that you are considered precious to God.
James 5:7
When the Children of Israel rebelled and were bitten by fiery serpents and begin to die, they were told to look and behold the brazen serpent on the pole. When they did this act of obedience, they...
When we try to enter the presence of God or receive his acceptance through anything but faith in Jesus; that action actually becomes a thief that can steal, kill, and destroy us.
People come to church, then counseling, and they hear the Word of God. Yet, they never really commit themselves to it or put it into practice. When things don’t work, they say,...
Living in grace, remembering grace, keeps love alive.
But losing touch with grace, forgetting that I am loved because God is a gracious God, is a love-killer.
Heavenly Alert
If everywhere you go is drama; you lose relationships, you lose jobs, and friends, you must own that you are the common factor to be free.
Heavenly Alert
Jesus helped at the wedding of Canaan. He manifested His glory to keep the wedding party happy. If he cares about folks' weddings, he will help you, too.
It tends to respond to our outlook,
to shape itself to meet our expectations.
Richard M. Devos
The more we love, the more love we have to offer. So it is with God's love for us. It is inexhaustible.
Mary C Neal
The only way any person will ever feel loved the way they need too, is by first, receiving the Love of God for themselves.
**Heavenly Alert**
Your influence toward others is producing life or death!
He that plants, and he that waters is one: and everyone shall receive his own reward according to his own labor.
Prayer is not only asking, it is an attitude of heart that produces an atmosphere in which asking is perfectly natural, and Jesus says, "every one that asketh receiveth." (Oswald Chambers)
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