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Receive His Love

Oct 29, 2023

The only way any person will ever feel loved the way they need too, is by first, receiving the Love of God for themselves.

Hollywood and Hallmark movies have convinced people that love in a relationship is something it’s not. Trying to persuade someone to love you, when you feel unlovable will only push them farther away from you.
The reason has nothing to do with how lovable you really are; but everything within them. It will compel them to move away from that type of co-dependency. It’s a God thing!
Putting someone under pressure to love you, or yourself under pressure to find love, reveals that you are SEARCHING FOR GODS LOVE.
we much first allow God to love us or else we are kidding ourselves about a successful romantic relationship.
The pressure to create and maintain that kind of Hallmark Idealism is too great. The relationship will fold.

The Love of God RECEIVED first, will bring the rest, pureness of heart, and the God kind of love, that will last.


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