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Is Your Act of Love... Enabling?

Jul 23, 2023

I LOVE my country but I despise how many of our political leaders (in both parties) thrive on getting people to depend upon the government. Sadly many of our leaders thrive on keeping people dependent upon the government and in poverty with handouts to people who are “able” and “could” work but don’t. When I think about things like this I always ask, “Does the Bible address this?”. Behold, it does. 2Thess 3:10 says; If anyone that is “able” to work is “unwilling” to do so they shouldn’t be given food to eat. So in other words, to give to those that are “able” but “unwilling” to work isn’t an act of love, it's an act of enabling them to live in poverty all the days of their life. Enough said!


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