Apr 06, 2023Pro 26:20 says "Where there is no wood the fire goeth out; And where there is no whisperer, gossip and the spreading of negatives hurts cease."
It's amazing how quickly and easily it is for many believers to believe the worst about others when they hear something negative about them. It is also mind blowing, how fast negative news travels inside the believers camps, all in the name of "I'm only telling you this so you can pray for them".
I LOVE what Jesus said and the challenge he gave us about being critical and judgmental toward other people.
Matthewā€¬ ā€7ā€¬:ā€1-5ā€¬ “Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment from others. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging back at you."