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Are You a Hypocrite?

Jul 13, 2023

In Matthew 7 Jesus called the judgmental person a hypocrite. A hypocrite is someone who is more concerned with what's wrong with others than what is wrong with their self. Here’s a thought - How about we deal with our own stuff. Let's start with our self-righteous attitudes instead of trying to fix everyone else.

When the Pharisees brought the woman caught in the act of adultery to Jesus, He said "He that is among you that has no sin cast the first stone". There was only one sinless person there (Jesus) and He had no stone in his hand. Before we start throwing stones at others for their failures, maybe we should take care of our own stuff.

So remember and think about this: If the sins of others makes you judgmental instead of breaking your heart, most likely your heart has never been broken over your own sin. Don’t fret over other people’s sin, but rather first take inventory of your own heart and life. Only then you can help others through love and compassion.


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